SQLiteDBMS Change log
2006-11-15 (0.5.1)
- more stability and fix some bugs
- fix: replication slave memory leaks
- fix: replication slave reset updated db's query cache
- fix: reset cache when drop database
- fix: check OOM
- libsqlited
- fix: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1594037&group_id=106881&atid=645895
- fix: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1593750&group_id=106881&atid=645895
2006-09-25 (0.5.0)
- feature: replication
- 1:n multi slave replication
- add new config entry for master
- replication is master, replication master port
- add new config entry for slave
- replication is slave, replication master host, replication master port, replication master user, replication master password
- feature: logger
- rotate every day
- server message, DB sql, http access
- add new config entry(log dir, log filerule, log sql)
- feature: support for memory DB
- support for :memory: DB(session dependency)
- fix: config entry memory violate
2006-09-15 (0.4.2a, b)
- fix: string type config entry
- libsqlited
- fix: wrong shared object file suffix
- SQLiteDBMS client
- improve: SQLiteDBMS client(JavaScript client)
2006-07-04 (0.4.2)
- fix bug wrong client socket (* IMPORTANT *)
- load & run shared object's external method
- fix bug on load config file
2006-06-30 (0.4.1)
- perfomance improvements
- query cache(req. SQLite >= 3.3.5)
- global query cache pool
- add "cache use", "cache slot", "cache size" config entry
- improve SQL switcher
- "INSERT", "DELETE" SQL is faster than older version
- no limit timeout: timeout set to 0
- SQLiteDBMS Client
- implove FireFox compatible(move and resize box)
- HTML Client
2006-06-25 (0.4.0)
- support for SSL
- add "-s" option
- add "SSL", "SSL cert", "SSL key" config entry
- libsqlited
- support for SSL("https://" connection info string)
- fix wrong error message pointer
2006-06-11 (0.3.1)
- support prepared statement
- libsqlited
- support prepared statement
- add sqlited_prepare, sqlited_bind_*, sqlited_reset, sqlited_finaiyze
- fix wrote request content length
- SQLiteDBMS client
- support MacOS X
2006-05-14 (0.3.0)
- add WebDAV feature
- "webdav use = true" config entry added
- OPTION HTTP method works like POST(OPTION method will process prepared statement)
- libsqlited(beta)
- support WebDAV(sqlited_content_*)
- support large chunked response
2006-05-13 (0.2.4)
- add libsqlited(client API:C, alpha)
- fix configure script
2006-04-17 (0.2.3)
- rewrite HTTP protocol parser
- 3x faster for GET method
- 2~3x faster for POST method(DB process)
- add "ALTER USER" extended SQL
2006-04-15 (0.2.2)
- "SHOW STATUS" improve and fix
- wrong dbname return
- "SHOW STATUS" result's format is same as data result
- access control "SHOW" extended SQL
- fix authorizer's wrong dbname pointer
- result includes process time
- SQLiteDBMS client show process time on status bar
- fix memory leak
2006-04-13 (0.2.1)
- add "SHOW USER" extended SQL
- support access control
- add "GRANT [CREATE]" extended SQL
- add "REVOKE [CREATE]" extended SQL
- add "access control" configuration entry
- improve SQLiteDBMS client and fix some bug
- improve grid
- improve/fix syntax highright
- load user/auth info to memory when startup(auto refresh when grant/revoke)
- "CREATE USER" extended SQL change to "CREATE USER id password [superuser]"
2006-04-09 (0.2.0, beta)
- add "SHOW" extended SQL
- add "SHOW DATABASE" extended SQL
- change "SHOW TABLES" to "SHOW TABLE"
- add "SHOW INDEX" extended SQL
- add "SHOW TRIGGER" extended SQL
- add "SHOW VERSION" extended SQL
- add "DESC" extended SQL
- add JavaScript version client
- web base GUI
- support Firefox and MS-IE
- include XMLHTTPRequest lib(like AJAX)
- MDI box model
- table/view/index/trigger designer
- SQL syntax highright
- data editor(support transaction)
- configure script support RPM version of sqlite3
2006-03-15 (0.1.6)
- Fix #1450192. wrong idle time response when show status SQL
- Fix #1450184. wrong content-length response headers
- Improve #1450193. ctrl+enter -> execute SQL in HTML version client tool
2006-03-15 (0.1.5)
2006-03-08 (0.1.4)
- CVS start
- Support big response. using chunked encoding
- Use poll() when send response. improve stability
- Add documents(Quick start guide)
2006-02-28 (0.1.3)
- Add session monitor
- Fix wrong response header when 304 response status
- Add -v option. show version
- Fix wrong session id bug
2006-02-14 (0.1.2)
- Add documents
2006-02-06 (0.1.1, alpha)
- First alpha release.
- Protocol changed(HTTP+XML)
- Add HTTP simple webserver
- Support SQLite 3
- Add basic authentication
- Add Extended SQL
- Add client tool (HTML version)